Tuesday, September 15, 2015

More Than A Conqueror

When you are accomplishing things for God's kingdom, it is only a matter of time before you come under spiritual attack.  God allows this because not only does it teach us and refine us, but it also gives Him glory when He gives us victory over it.  I am currently under spiritual attack and what the enemy is trying to use for my harm, I will be obedient to God and allow Him to use it for His glory.

As I sat down this morning to engage in spiritual warfare, God led me to Romans Chapter 6 and Chapter 8.  As the Holy Spirit ministered to my spirit through God's Holy Word, I began to personalize these Chapters and claim them over my life.  I am sharing what I wrote for those who may also find themselves under spiritual attack.  I pray for God's anointing on what I share with you today to help you in your victory over the enemy:

My old self has been crucified with Christ and the old body which was ruled by sin has been done away with. 
I am no longer a slave to sin-- I have died with Christ and I have been set free from sin.
          "Whom the son sets free is free indeed." (John 8:36)
I have died to sin once and for all and the life I live, I live to God.
I count myself dead to sin but alive to God in Christ Jesus.
I offer myself to God as one brought from death to life.  I offer every part of myself to God as an instrument of righteousness.
Sin shall no longer be my master because I am not under the Law, but under grace.
I used to be a slave to sin, but I have come to obey from my heart the pattern of teaching that has now claimed my allegiance.
          "Show me Your ways, O Lord, teach me Your paths, guide me in Your truth and
          faithfulness and teach me, for You are the God of my salvation." (Psalm 25:4,5)
I have been set free from sin and have become a slave to righteousness.  I offer myself as a slave to righteousness, leading to holiness.
I have been set free from sin and have become a bondservant of God, and I will reap holiness and eternal life.
Through Jesus Christ, the law of the Spirit Who gives life has set me free from the law of sin and death.
I do not live according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit and my mind is set on what the Spirit desires.  My mind is governed by the Spirit and is life and peace.
The Spirit of God lives in me, therefore I do not dwell in the realm of the flesh but in the realm of the Spirit.
Christ is in me and God's Spirit gives me life because of righteousness.
I am led by the Spirit of God, therefore I am a child of God.
          "We are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God
          prepared beforehand that we should walk in them." (Eph 2:10)
God's Spirit testifies with my spirit that I am His child.
God's Spirit helps me in my weakness.
God's Spirit intercedes for me in accordance with His will.
I love God and have been called according to His purpose, therefore God will work all things for my good benefit.
God foreknew my love for Him, therefore He predestined me to become conformed to the image of His Son, Jesus Christ.  And because I am predestined, I am also called; I am justified, and I am glorified.
Evil can hold nothing against me, because God is for me.
Evil cannot bring a charge against me, because I am chosen and justified by God.
Evil cannot condemn me, because Jesus Christ is at the right hand of God interceding for me.
Nothing in all of creation can separate me from the love of God, through Christ.
I am more than a conqueror through Jesus Christ, Who loves me.

"The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me, because He anointed Me to preach the Gospel to the poor.  He has sent Me to proclaim release to the captives, and recovery of sight to the blind, to set free those who are oppressed." (Luke 4:18)

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