Wednesday, September 11, 2019

That Day

I turned and faced the darkness and said, "He is coming for you."
I looked into the eyes of the dragon and said, "The time is near."
Your time is short because our cries have reached unto heaven
I have spoken of your deeds
I have spoken the horrors aloud
My voice was like shouting in a room full of silence
A cry that rang out through the courts of heaven

We mix human DNA with animals in the name of science
We murder our children in the womb 
And we use their body parts for medical experiments
Our children are raped and molested by priests
Our women are sexually abused by pastors
Homosexuality is preached in the churches
Homosexual marriages are performed at the altar
Sexual deviancy is rampant in our leadership ranks
Our pastors commit suicide
Whether from hopelessness or confusion, I do not know

We blaspheme your Spirit
We reject sound doctrine
Witchcraft is practiced in church
Occult is taught as your truth
We dance for Baal, drunk in his spirit
We mingle ourselves with Molech
We drink from the river that flows from the mouth of the serpent
We reject the living water of truth

Your people are slaughtered for their faith
Hacked to pieces by machetes
Burned alive in their churches
We worship politics and the economy
The statue of Nebuchadnezzar stands in the sanctuary
Like the son of perdition, we follow Christ for our own benefit
For what we think we will gain
But like Judas, our selfish ambition will be our noose from which we hang

Our pot is boiling and the meat in it is rancid
The steam streams upward, like a furnace vent to heaven
The sweat from the pace of our sin streams down our faces
We are out of breath from our rebellious striving
Our cheeks are red, but not from shame
We pant, but not from a thirst for righteousness
We groan, but not from Godly sorrow
We labor and give birth to death
We worship and raise our hands to wickedness

I whisper to no one, "He is coming."
I cry out, "The time is near!"
He says, "You write to no one, daughter
because they are all too busy to live in fear."

Since you call on a Father Who judges each one's work impartially, live your lives in reverent fear during your temporary stay on earth. (1 Pet 1:17)

But watch yourselves, or your hearts will be weighed down with carousing, drunkenness, and the cares of this life, and that day will close on you suddenly like a trap. For it will come upon all those who dwell on the face of the whole earth. So keep watch at all times and pray that you may have the strength to escape all that is about to happen, and that you may be able to stand before the Son of Man. (Luke 21:34-36)

When all has been heard, the conclusion of the matter is this:  Fear God and keep His commandments, because this is the whole duty of man. For God will bring every deed into judgment, along with every hidden thing, whether good or evil. (Eccl 12:13,14)

Then the kings of the earth, the nobles, the commanders, the rich, the mighty, and every slave and free man, hid in the caves and among the rocks of the mountains. And they said to the mountains and the rocks, "Fall on us and hide us from the face of the One seated on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb. For the great day of their wrath has come, and who is able to withstand it?" (Rev 6:15-17)

Then I heard another voice from heaven say:  "Come out of her My people, so that you will not share in her sins, and so that you will not receive of her plagues. For her sins have reached heaven and God has remembered her iniquities." (Rev 18:4,5)

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